This morning, the desktop computers in the Library Reading Room were configured for swipe-to-print using Pharos. The process took about 2 hours. 7 computers were not completed; 4 were in use by students, and 3 need to be reimaged altogether because of software issues. The remaining computers will be completed shortly. A&IT staff have verified that the default printer for students is set to the correct Pharos queue, and verified that student accounts can print and release successfully at designated devices.

Signage and step-by-step documentation for swipe-to-print was provided to Library staff this morning for posting on the devices and other key locations.

At this point, students in the Reading Room and the BRO 1330 computer lab can release their print jobs at any printer at the following locations using their DolphinOne card:

  • Broome Library Reading Room;
  • Broome Library Rooom 1330 computer lab; and
  • Broome Library printer/copiers, located on 1st and 2nd floor behind Freudian Sip.
Need help? Please see the Library Circulation desk staff, or contact the A&IT Help Desk at or call 805-437-8552.